
You are currently on an amateur writer’s blog, but hey: why not stop by for some random two cents on random things? 🙂

I started posting poems and short stories on Tumblr way back in 2013, but that didn’t go well. A lot of things happened, and my writing and reading were stumped for quite a long time. But I guess I should start doing this again, or else I’ll lose what’s left of my writing and reading skills.

From this small virtual space, expect to read about random thoughts, erratic emotions, insane ideas, and maybe heated opinions. From time to time, or when I feel okay and I am able to be a decent human being, I will be collating my and other people’s thoughts on just about anything in the universe. Expect an array of posts about music, books, anime, movies, series, occult, paranormal, mental health, sleep, depression, anxiety, quantum physics, love, family, and life in general.

Hope you enjoy your stay. Here’s a sleeping photo of my first cat. 🙂


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